Nerves! Don't they haunt you exactly when you don't want them to? Well, I guess that's life. 2nd May,2006. My first show, BEYOND THE LAND OF HATTAMALA at RANGASHANKARA. We enter from the door on the right, somewhere up in the middle of the proscenium.I'm jittery and there are butterflies,catterpillars,worms and anything else you can think of in my tummy.This, not only because it was my first show but also because I'm extremely accident prone. And running right through the audience is no joke.Absolutely not!My Mum and Uncles and aunt were in the audience, watching.My dad was out of station.The turn out was mediocre. Well, the show began,and running behind Amjed(the best actor on show) I tripped only once, well, surprisingly with no major repurcussions.The scene 2, I slip again but manage to camoflauge it well. But the luck was short lived! About 35 minutes into the play BONG!I bang into a hotel signboard while exiting into the right wing.But exitement beats pain, an...